The Moment that changed my World and America’s. As Tom Brokaw said in his book–“Boom”, it was the real Beginning of the 60’s. I entered the parking lot and looked to my left. There it was, the fence—it sent chills of memories up my spine. I parked and got out of the car and immediately […]
Historic American Transportation Ghosts.
Cross Country Richmond to San Diego and Back: Days 8-9. We were crossing the Colorado River, on Arizona Rt.#72N when suddenly, like magic, it appeared: The Modern Day Iron Horse emblazoned with the screaming red and yellow Santa Fe Railroad logo pushing across the Mojave desert. One could almost hear Judy Garland singing “The Atchison, […]
A Yankees Road South to Knoxville, Tennessee
My first travel journey South as a College Kid and coming face to face
with the remnants of the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement.
Civil Rights Road Tripping with Generation Z.
Exposing-Educating GenZ to the Civil Rights movement. I was blown away. You could have knocked me over with a feather. My wife and I were heading to Mobile, Alabama for her family’s reunion and the grandchildren stated they wanted to ride with Grannie Annie and Bob. Are you schizing me? They could have been there […]
Roswell—White Sands to Arizona-Days 6-7!
Cross Country Richmond to San Diego and Back: Day 6-7: This is going to be an exciting day. We are crossing from Texas into New Mexico. We put San Antonio behind us the day before, but not before wolfing down 4000+ calories at What a Burger. Good Stuff. I am sure Davey Crockett and the […]