Hey-What’s Going On–With this Website?
The Website exists to share stories, opinions, and adventures in life. Isn’t life one big adventure journey?
It’s about learning through a sharing of my passions, thoughts, and experiences of Living a Life.
More than a few years ago, I developed a Website to address energy efficiency in building/restoring houses and apartments. The site was specific to that topic. When I started to think about creating another web site, one that would be fun and informative, I again, mistakenly, thought I should specifically target Travel.
I started the site concentrating on travel destinations, the journey to get there, and my experience on arrival. I found this limiting. I realized the journey-destination was only 2/3 of the process. I consistently found myself going off-kilter with my thoughts and life experiences relative to the destination and journey. The journeys of my mind, generated by the road, kept creeping into the articles, and I couldn’t exclude them.
I place my travels into the context of why I wanted to go there. If it is a fishing destination, it is simple; I wanted to fish there. If it was motorcycling up the Alaska highway, it was reflections on the monumental task of building the road. For fun, enjoyment, and interests I needed to share reality and my soul’s intrusion into the journey. Why?
People, past and present, smarter than I am, insist sharing your life experiences, including thoughts and revelations, is an obligation to society. I mean, what good is knowledge and experience if you don’t share it. If it goes to the grave with you, who did those experiences benefit? No one.
I hope that you the reader visiting this website can discover ideas and thoughts to apply beneficially while on your own journey through life.
“I believe that the greatest crime is to learn something that can significantly benefit other people, yet share it with no one. ” Mike Pettigrew Irish Author